Our Volunteers

Yash Anand Giri


Vikalp is not just a student initiative; it’s a profound journey where volunteers don’t just teach, they experience the transformative power of love. In our shared pursuit of knowledge, we find that the most beautiful lessons are often learned through the heart.

Ananye Gupta


Vikalp- in my terms is “Volunteer-driven Inclusive Knowledge sharing Accessible Learning Program”. Vikalp will always be a best memory in my life. Dedication and devotion are the pillars of this Vikalp family.

Khawaish Gupta


Vikalp is the best experience of college life.

Mansi Thakur


Being a volunteer of Vikalp is one of the best experiences of my life. All your problems are solved by just spending time with the students of Vikalp. Teaching them gives me inner peace and happiness. Blessed to be a part of Vikalp.

Nandinee Tiwari


🌟 Embark on a journey with Vikalp, where young minds bloom near the university’s embrace. Be the guiding star, illuminating paths to knowledge. In each lesson, you’ll sow seeds of change, nurturing futures with care. Join us, let’s sculpt destiny together, painting the sky of hope with the colors of learning. 🌈📚

Ragini Pancholi


Vikalp is about finding happiness in small acts of kindness. For me, it is not only the process of teaching but also the process of learning the importance of responsibility for humankind.

Ramit Bhargava


A lot of appreciation as well as a lot more applause to all the volunteers who have worked so hard since 2009 so that children from Katra can dream big and guide the children for the future.

Mahi Mahajan


Be your own Motivation!
Do something that will inspire you, not distract you.

Abhivek Singh


Thrilled to be part of Team Vikalp where we’re not only offering free and quality education but also fostering holistic growth through sports, cultural events, and more. Let’s inspire and empower these students and makes a positive impact together.